Karla Mouncey-Jaggers

Posts Tagged ‘amwriting’

Seven Hours Left!

In Writing on June 24, 2012 at 9:12 am

There is now only seven hours left to download my free ebook from Ether! Being in this contest has really showed me the power of marketing and getting your message out there. I am currently third with seven hours to go! It is very close so I only need a few more of you to download it! It’s completely free and will only take you about two minutes!

How to….
1.Download Ether from the App store
2.Once it has downloaded search for Karla or The Box in the App
3. Click on the story
4.Click FREE and then DOWNLOAD
5. The story will now be in your collections!

Each device you do it on counts as a vote!

Much much love xxx

The Beginning of Book Two

In Book 2 ; NaNoWriMo on November 3, 2011 at 12:41 pm

a short excerpt from the beginning of book 2


“It had taken me three hours and five dresses to decide that I was gong to cancel my date with Ant. We had been out two times before so I wasn’t nervous about the first time but the last time we had gone to the cinema to watch some slasher flick he had held my hand. It made me realise I wasn’t ready to be seeing anyone else, the blood and guts on screen didn’t bother me, I saw enough to know the blood was too red, the bones to pale and the screams too forced”

NaNoWriMo Buzz

In The Olivia Everett Series, Writing on November 2, 2011 at 1:22 pm

So Nano has begun! I started early yesterday morning, I actually started my day an hour early to get some writing done! I was rehearsing all day and the performing in the evening. I managed to reach 2k in all the breaks and pauses.

What struck me most about the process was the buzz I got! Every time I reached another 100 words I got a little tummy flip! I’m loving getting back with Olivia, it’s like a big cuddle everytime I sit at my lap top.

I don’t want to ruin anything for the few who have read book 1 but there are some twists coming tour way! I am now on my way to my first organised write in !

It’s official my name is Karla and I am a NaNo addict!