Karla Mouncey-Jaggers

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NaNoWriMo Winner!!

In Book 2 ; NaNoWriMo, The Olivia Everett Series, Writing on November 27, 2011 at 5:09 pm

This is just a small post to say that I just completed NaNoWriMo!!

Expect much more blogs and excerpts from the new book to follow soon!

NaNoWriMo and Talking with Kate

In Book 2 ; NaNoWriMo, The Olivia Everett Series, Writing on November 15, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Firstly I want to apologise for my lack of blogs for the past few weeks! I have been spending all my spare time getting my wordcount for NaNoWriMo!

In have just hit 35k so I now feel far enough over the halfway mark to start blogging again! NaNo has been an amazing experience, I have learnt so many new skills! Firstly my typing has increased in speed I am finding that I can get at least 2000 words in two hours which is a big improvement. I am also discovering the joy of letting my characters do all the work!

I start with an idea or event that needs to happen and then I introduce it to Olivia to see how she deals with it. I have been overwhelmed with my imagination and I’m slightly worried that Olivia may actually be living in my head! 😉

Beside NaNo the last few weeks have also been very productive writingwise due in large part to an amazing friend. She pushed me to send my first three chapter to Kate a friend of hers who is published in three countries! I took the plunge and sent her the chapters. She took a while to respond which I thought meant she never would.

Last week I had accepted that she didn’t like the chapters and put it from my mind. Then I got an email back. I was shaking as opened it. I was convinced she was going to tell to give up. I couldn’t be more wrong. She really enjoyed my writing and wanted to talk to me in person.

After two hours of amazing conversation with Kate (in which I took five pages of notes) my head was spinning. She told me that she loved my writing style and I had a real chance of getting published. She said I need to finish my first draft. Get it as perfect as possible and when I’m ready she will help me get on the right track!

This has been an amazing month and once I finish my NaNo novel it will be my best ever writing month!

The Beginning of Book Two

In Book 2 ; NaNoWriMo on November 3, 2011 at 12:41 pm

a short excerpt from the beginning of book 2


“It had taken me three hours and five dresses to decide that I was gong to cancel my date with Ant. We had been out two times before so I wasn’t nervous about the first time but the last time we had gone to the cinema to watch some slasher flick he had held my hand. It made me realise I wasn’t ready to be seeing anyone else, the blood and guts on screen didn’t bother me, I saw enough to know the blood was too red, the bones to pale and the screams too forced”

NaNoWriMo Buzz

In The Olivia Everett Series, Writing on November 2, 2011 at 1:22 pm

So Nano has begun! I started early yesterday morning, I actually started my day an hour early to get some writing done! I was rehearsing all day and the performing in the evening. I managed to reach 2k in all the breaks and pauses.

What struck me most about the process was the buzz I got! Every time I reached another 100 words I got a little tummy flip! I’m loving getting back with Olivia, it’s like a big cuddle everytime I sit at my lap top.

I don’t want to ruin anything for the few who have read book 1 but there are some twists coming tour way! I am now on my way to my first organised write in !

It’s official my name is Karla and I am a NaNo addict!